AITA for sacrificing my daughter’s college fund because her sister just gave birth to her 4th child?

When faced with the task of supporting her struggling older daughter and four small grandkids, a mother makes the heartbreaking decision to give up her younger daughter’s college fund. The older daughter, who has chronic health concerns and is unable to earn a living, is in financial distress after being evicted from her house. With little means and her older daughter’s family on the verge of collapse, the mother feels obligated to use the younger daughter’s college savings to help keep the family afloat.

This decision, however, causes friction and anger in her younger daughter, who had been banking on the finances to further her education. The younger daughter’s chilly response and subsequent quiet leave the mother wondering if she made the right decision, as she struggles with the weight of putting one child’s immediate needs ahead of the other’s future.

via Reddit: r/AITAH

image credits: Sarah Chai

image credits: Andrea Piacquadio

image credits: cottonbro studio

Read more info on Reddit: r/AITAH

A mother gives up her younger daughter’s college fund to help her elder daughter, who is struggling financially after giving birth to her fourth child and facing eviction. This decision causes significant friction in the family, resulting in anger from the younger daughter, who now faces an unclear educational future. The mother is left wondering if she made the correct decision by prioritizing immediate family needs above long-term aspirations. This decision causes significant bitterness and issues about fairness, leaving the family split and unclear whether the sacrifice was truly worthwhile.














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